The Stormwater Heatmap has been in the works since 2016, and we are so pleased to finally celebrate launch day!
Harnessing the power of big data, local monitoring efforts, and design thinking, this interactive mapping tool, report generator, and data repository quantitatively predicts where hotspots of stormwater pollution and runoff are generated across the Puget Sound watershed.
We hope this project will help communities plan for the future, and save money in the process. With instant access to the latest science, high quality data, and open source code, the Stormwater Heatmap offers exciting opportunities for communities, academics, and policymakers to use this tool to create lasting impact.
We owe a big thank you to all who have helped us along the way- it took a big community to build this tool, and we hope the Stormwater Heatmap gives back to the people, lands, and waters that sustain us.
Keep an eye on the blog!
Over the next few months, weโll be posting how-to videos and tutorials for using the tool. Weโll also be posting bug fixes and building out new functions. Itโs a work in progress, but we wanted to get the foundation into your hands as quickly as we could!