We are excited to share media attention that's been received for Version 1.0 of the Puget Sound Stormwater Heatmap! Check out these articles and videos to learn more:
- GeekWire: First-Of-Its-Kind Stormwater 'Heat Map' Lights up Pollutants Fouling Waters in Washington State by Lisa Stiffler
- Geosyntec Consultants: The Nature Conservancy Launches New Stormwater Heatmap
- The Nature Conservancy in Washington: Creating the Stormwater Heatmap: An Open-Source Tool to Track Pollution by Grace Lee Kang
- Washington Stormwater Center: Stormwater Heatmap and Green Bridges by Heidi Siegelbaum
The Nature Conservancy in Washington "Introducing the Stormwater Heatmap" (Vimeo)
Geosyntec Consultants "Water and Natural Resources: Stormwater Heatmap | Christian Nilsen" (YouTube)